vendredi 23 août 2013

ANOTHER HOUSE - The World Film Festival of Montreal 2013

By Bernard Bujold ( - 
The opening film of the FFM: "The other house" is a great movie! 
Director Mathieu Roy was able to clearly identify the subject of Alzheimer's disease. 
For those who knew the father of Mathieu, the renowned journalist and editor in chief Michel Roy and his son Patrice, the film takes a different angle for the two journalists have inspired characters in the film. 
A wonderful phrase of the dialogue: "We all go from a point A to point B. You should never let anyone lead you into the night ..." - Quote by the character Henri Bernard in the movie "The other house" by Mathieu Roy. 
A film both very upsetting on the human side and which we can all identify with; very entertaining in terms of the scenario that is neither too long nor too short; and with beautiful photographic images. Three elements that make a great movie! A beautiful to see movie! 
Photo 1: Movie Poster another house;
Photo 2: Roy Dupuis and Marcel Sabourin;
Photo 3: Mathieu Roy and his film crew;
Photo 4 and 5: Opening Night film;
See photo album opening night
See Official movie site Another House ;

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