lundi 16 avril 2012

Genevieve Sabourin and Alec Baldwin - A love story gone wrong ...

Genevieve Sabourin is well known in Montreal in the artistic world but she is almost unknown to the public. Some of those who know her say there are two sides to the coin and that the theory of harassment would have the foundation of a relationship between her and Alec Baldwin which had already lasted two years. Genevieve Sabourin was released by Justice of New York but she will have to return for the case to be tried on May 14. 
Bernard Bujold ( knew Genevieve the time of one or two evenings (one at the concert and the other at the theater...) about fifteen years ago and he admits that she was a very pretty girl, super nice but also quite ambitious. "If I remember correctly, she said that 'I was too old for her'. Yet I have the same age as Alec... " 
Photo 1: Genevieve Sabourin (photo Casting Agency);
Photo 2: Genevieve Sabourin Justice New York (photo April 9, 2012);
Photo 3: Alec Baldwin;
SEE story New York Daily News
See story The Globe and Mail
See story Paris Match ;
See story La Presse ;

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